Using Polygon Cruncher for
3DS Max / Autodesk VIZ


In order to install Polygon Cruncher :

Launch Polygon Cruncher for 3DS Max / Autodesk VIZ

  1. Run 3DS Max / VIZ.
  2. Create an object and select it
  3. Select 3DS Max Utilities plugin tab
  4. Click on More button
  5. Select Polygon Cruncher in the utilities plugin. If the plugin does not appear please follow the instructions in the Polygon Cruncher does not appear in the plugin utility list section below.
  6. Polygon Cruncher opens. You can:

Optimize selection

Optimize the currently select object

Pick and optimize object

Allows you to pick an object to optimized in the 3DS Max / VIZ scene.
Select and optimize objects Opens a dialog box and allows you to select one or more objects to optimize.
Batch optimization Display the batch processing dialog.

This dialog allows to define the file directory to optimize, the optimization settings and the optimization levels, as well as the optimized files format.
Apply geometric modifier
  • When this option is checked, modifiers will be applied before objects optimization in Polygon Cruncher. Once objects are optimized, modfiers stack is removed. You keep textures coordinates and vertex colors in this mode now.
  • When this option is unchecked, Polygon Cruncher optimize the base object (the object which is at the bottom of the modifier stack). Modifiers are kepted once the optimization is done (ie. textures are kepted). This is the default mode and it is the one which keep the more informations after the optimization process.
Valider automatiquement les dialogues 3DS Max lors du traitement par lots

3DS Max might display dialogs while performing a batch processing. This can occurs when 3DS Max can't find a texture file or when 3DS Max loads a file created by an older version.

Check this setting if you want to validate automatically these dialogs and avoid batch processing interruption.

Use 3DS Max bitmaps directories Allows you to use all 3DS Max / VIZ textures path in the Polygon Cruncher OpenGL viewer. Click on this button if Polygon Cruncher can't retrieve texture bitmap files.

Notes about Polygon Cruncher for 3DS Max / Autodesk VIZ

To be optimized, objects must be optimized. Polygon Cruncher triangulates objects and informs you vous informs you about objects which are converted into polygonal meshes.


To uninstall Polygon Cruncher, use "Add/Remove programs" in the Windows control panel.

Polygon Cruncher does not appear in the plugin utility list

If you don't see in the plugin utility list, Polygon Cruncher might be unloaded. In this case: